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IQ Topper

Working hard is important, but the true soul of a topper's preparation is his belief in himself. This is one of the best habits of toppers. Have the confidence to tell yourself that you have what it takes and can crack the exam with a good score, everyday.


Gymnastics is a type of sport that includes physical exercises requiring balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, dedication and endurance. There are six different types of gymnastics: artistic, rhythmic, trampoline, power tumbling, acrobatics and aerobics.

Super Kid

'Gifted and talented' describes children with the ability or potential to develop significantly ahead of their peers: 'gifted' learners are those with abilities in one or more academic subjects, such as maths or English.


Silambam is an Indian martial art originating in South India in the Indian subcontinent. This style is mentioned in Tamil Sangam literature. Long Stick Guru Vanakkam - Here, the fighters use one-inch width bamboo stick as a weapon with a height up to their eyebrow level. Double Short Stick - In this form, two different short sticks, each being 3 feet are used to hit or block the opponent.

Pullavar Day

The day is observed as a mark of respect for his contribution to the literary field and honoured for the teachings it showers on readers. The Government of Tamil Nadu initiated the celebration of Thiruvalluvar and his works on the fourth day of the Pongal festival celebrations.


Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the goal of improving. Physical activity that increases the heart rate and the body's use of oxygen. It helps improve a person's physical fitness.